A 253 mph gust in Australia became the fastest recorded wind gust on earth, beating Concord, New Hampshire's previous wind gust record of 231 mph set in 1934. Scot Henley was quoted as saying, "It's obviously a big disappointment."
It's too bad that the locals of Concord will no longer be able to brag about an accomplishment that they themselves never had anything to do with.
The wind gust was recorded on Mt. Washington, home of 'The Old Man', a section of the mountain that resembled a man's face. That face crumbled to bits in 2003. It seems that the glory days of Mt. Washington are behind him. But Scot Henly went on to say, "(Mt. Washington) still can claim to be home to some of the world's worst weather". Yeah, that's a real tourist attraction. Sure its no longer the place where it was the most windy, and the part that kinda looked like a face fell off, but at least its still it's one of the most miserable places on earth to be!
Perhaps my favorite part of the story, is that while this new wind gust is just being reported on now in 2010, the gust itself took place in 1996. And what was Scot's reaction to a 14 year delay on the reporting of such a world changing statistic?
"Somehow it fell through the cracks and the Australians didn't think it was a big deal," he said. "We hear that, and it kind of blows our minds"
Really Australia? Really? you mean to tell me that you measured a gust of wind, and the first thing you did wasn't contact Concord New Hampshire? It's almost as if you're one of the 99.99% of people who don't give a shit.
Im sorry, I kid, I kid. Concord, New Hampshire, I know you have more going on than than just the fact that you lived where it was really windy over 70 years ago. I mean you all know how to party right?
In 1934 When the 231 mph gust was recorded: "Many people have wanted to know what we did after that," McKenzie, One of the weather nerds who watch wind wrote. "Did we cheer or open a bottle of champagne, or what? Well, we didn't do anything special for a while, except make more measurements."
No regrets. Measure as much as you can while you're still young, That's what I say.
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