A new study states that the earth may be on a path towards a mass extinction that would be worse than the last mass extinction that took place 250 million years ago that wiped out the dinosaurs. While many forms of life were able to live through the last mass extinction, the next one would be so devastating that few life forms would be able to survive. Fertilizers, pesticides, pollution and deforestation are the main causes prompting an unprecedented alteration in the ecosystem.
As I read the internet article regarding mass extinction, I thought to myself; maybe there's hope though. Maybe humans will have the foresight to not upset the delicate balance of the only planet that we know of that has perfect environment to breed life. I believe that we can do this, I believe in the human race!
I believed in the human race all the way until I got to the bottom of the article and saw that a number of people decided to 'like' mass extinction.
Earth. Hey... it was fun while it lasted.
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